The Lair

The lair of the Seven Deadly Sins is underground, beneath Sunny Hills Mall, rather ironically. The Sins may not like the name of the mall or its location, though living underneath a paradise of constant supplies is certainly an up-side, especially with their special powers. Its entrance is the fifth emergency exit in the back of the mall. A trash can with the Sins' mark etched into the bottom of it is the entrance - it is built to cover the chute from the ground. Squeeze yourself through the large trash can and in exactly 7 seconds you will find yourself in the dark and candlelit but beautifully furnished Lair that has 21 rooms, 7 of which are huge suites.


  1. Pride looked up as Lust appeared at the entrance of the lair and nodded curtly. "The alchemists of Central are out looking for us again," he commented, flipping back his white hair (JB) to look at the other homunculus. "Not that they'll find us....."

  2. (haha)

    Lust looked annoyed. "Alchemists, again? Those pesky brats." She crossed her arms over her enormous bosom and frowned. "Can't we get rid of them? They're so ridiculously annoying." Envy stepped out of the shadows. "We cannot risk our recognition, Lust," he told the Sin.
    She turned on him, black hair fire. "We have more than enough people, Envy!" Lust narrowed her eyes at him. "The faster we rid ourselves of them, the faster we can get what we want!"
    "And the faster their numbers will grow," Envy replied calmly. "Right now they have the upper hand. We need our own numbers before we can defeat them. We need to find Greed, Gluttony, and the Sloth."

  3. Wrath appeared and looked at the other two."We should find them first, then decide on what to do," she said in a calm voice. "Right now we could get destroyed by those alchemists."
    Pride looked at the other homunculus. "We could try the academy first. You know, Mustang's?"

  4. (LOL fail black hair fire i meant flying)

    Envy shook his head. "Not yet, not yet. Perhaps when Greed arrives." Lust snarled at him and began to enter his mind when the other Sin blocked her swiftly. "Get out of my mind, Lust," he hissed more dangerously. Lust growled at him but complied. "Fine. But we wait for no more than two months. I shall grow more impatient."

  5. (:DDDDD)

    Wrath and Pride watched the other two Sins bicker and sighed in synchronization. (XD) Wrath looked at Pride for a moment, then stalked off into the shadows to do who knows what. Pride sat down on the floor for a moment, thinking.

  6. Envy glanced at Pride. "Well, Pride? Do you agree with Lust?"
    "Of course he does, idiot. My ideas are more reasonable than yours."
    Envy was silent, waiting for his answer. Lust just stood there and spat angrily at her fellow Sin.

  7. Pride sighed inwardly again at the two bickering homunculus but then looked serious. "We certainly need more people if we're going to launch an attack. But that's all I'll say."

  8. "And we'll attack soon?" Lust barged in. Envy looked to her, slightly annoyed. "After the seven of us are together once more."
    Lust shook her head. "We cannot wait too long, Pride. Consider my opinions. For if none of you agree I will go ahead on my own."
    Envy just sighed then looked to Pride expectantly.

  9. Pride looked at the two. "Just be patient," he said. "We're waiting for one more person, it's not that long till one sin will show up..."

  10. Lust gave him a look. "How do you know?" She demanded.

  11. Pride looked at her for a moment. "I don't," he admitted gruffly. "But certainly one of the others is going to come across us soon...."

  12. Lust scoffed and turned away. "You can't assume, Pride. You can never assume." She walked out of the room and into the kitchen to make a sandwich. Envy sighed again and sat back. "I"m sorry about her," he told Pride. "She's very... temperamental."

  13. Pride shrugged. "I know the type," he said. "Doesn't matter. All we can do now is wait. Even if we don't want to."

  14. Envy nodded, and fell back into a scarlet and golden armchair with a sigh. The two sat in silence for a while, then Lust came back into the room with a plate of small sandwiches balanced on one hand and a sandwich in the other hand. "I made cucumber sandwiches and ham sandwiches," Lust told them, and placed the plate on the coffee table.

  15. (herp derp!)

    Pride nodded gratefully and took a sandwich, examining it, then popping it into his mouth. (BECAUSE HIS MOUTH"S HUGE)

    Wrath came back, took a sandwich, then disappeared again.

  16. (lol Wrath is awesome)

    Envy picked a perfect sandwich from the pile and chewed on it thoughtfully. Lust was taking dainty bites of her cucumber sandwich.


  17. (still need to write description thought)

    The lair was soon filled with the quiet sounds of chewing.

  18. (m)

    Lust started on her second sandwich, and Envy began on his third. There was a long pause, then:
    "I'm supremely bored," Lust announced, looking up from her last bite.

  19. Pride looked at her. "You don't have to stay here," he said. "There are other places. Speaking of places, where did Wrath wander off to?"

  20. "How would I know? Besides, it's more fun to do things together." Lust gave him a look.

  21. Lust sighed. "Come ON! Let's just go to the mall or something. Please?" She turned on her charm, her beautiful eyes pleading at Pride. Her mind pushed Pride towards agreement, finally, she pulled through.

  22. Pride rolled his eyes. "Don't be selfish," he said, as Wrath appeared once more. "I'll go with you," the violent Sin said quietly.

  23. (LOL all of them are violent)

    Lust brightened up considerably. "Really? You'll be my best friend forever!" She cheered, and ran over to hug Wrath. Envy looked up in exasperation. "I'll stay. Pride, you should go. She wants you to go. She'll pester you and hate you forever if you don't, you know."

  24. (Wrath is the violentest :D)

    Pride sighed and face-palmed for a second, then turned to leave with the other two Sins. "We'll be back soon....hopefully....." he said to Envy.

  25. (but she hasn't been violent yet)

    Envy smirked at them as Lust laughed and attached both Pride and Wrath's arms to hers and dragged them out the door. Envy went to the kitchen to make milk tea.

    Lust took the other two up the step ladder to the entrance of the chute swiftly and easily. She unlatched the door and sprang out of the trash can.

  26. (NOT YET XD)

    Pride and Wrath followed suit, sighing all the way.


  27. (what should happen?)
    (LOL climb *sigh* climb *sigh* climb *sigh*)

    Lust sneaked into Sunny Hills Mall and grinned at everything around her.

  28. Wrath, Lust and Pride all appeared back in the lair. Wrath started to wander off again, and Pride walked up to Envy. "I'm exhausted," he said, plopping down next to the other male homunculus.

  29. Envy smirked. "Not surprised. Lust seems to be able to shop forever. Or not even shop. Take things from a shop." He made a face, then glanced at Lust. "You should stop doing that."
    "Come on," Lust scoffed. "You're too nice to them. Besides, don't you want to save money?"
    Envy sighed, then noticed the food. "You brought stuff back?"
    Lust nodded. "A ramen for you. Oh, and I got you a white hoodie and a leather jacket," she told him, flinging the stuff at him. He caught it and gave her a grateful look.

  30. Wrath disappeared again, wandering into the shadows. Pride looked over at Envy. "No new sin?" he asked conversationally.

  31. Envy shrugged. "Not yet," he told Pride, taking out his ramen as Lust was already scooping spoonfuls of chazuke out of her bowl.

  32. Pride sighed. "Well, we still have to wait now," he said. He walked over to a box and took out an old book with the list of sins in it and began to read.

  33. "We need Greed and Gluttony, am I correct?" Envy asked, narrowing his eyes in thought. "Where could we find them?"
    "Ugh, why are they all the ugly ones? At least you guys are kinda hot," Lust sighed, pausing from her eating to chug down some milk tea.

  34. Pride nodded at Envy then looked over at Lust. "It doesn't matter about appearance," he said. "As long as someone comes along."

    (How bout we make Greed?)

  35. (M. I'll play Greed. U wna play Gluttony?)

    "I care," Lust snapped, finishing her rice in the chazuke and sipping at the soup. She stood up, bored with the boys. "Where's Wrath? Wrath!" She called, walking into the shadows.

  36. (Errrp. OK NOM NOM NOM NOM :D)

    Wrath appeared next to Lust. "Yes?" she said quietly. Pride sighed. xD

  37. (:D)

    "You're coming to my room. I'm dressing you up with the clothes I got you," Lust ordered, and took Wrath by the hand, dragging her to her room.

    (comment next a Rooms if you come.)

  38. Pride's head shot up as the two ladies appeared from the room.

  39. Envy's mouth literally fell open. "Is that... is that Wrath ?" He managed.
    "Yes, it is," Lust snapped. "You're insulting her by being surprised. And close your mouth. It's catching flies." Envy's mouth clamped close.

  40. Pride grinned slightly. Lust's skills were truly spectacular. Wrath cowered behind Lust. "Stop staring at me!" she protested.

  41. Lust grinned. "No need to be afraid, Wrath," she told the other Sin. "You should be proud." She turned to the men. "Right. We're going to Le Exquis for dinner tonight, and we'll be on the lookout for Sins. It's somewhere in Ror's City. So go and change, boys! Don't take long!" She shooed Pride and Envy out of the room.

  42. Pride and Lust appeared, both wearing their suits. Wrath looked up at them, having never seen the two sins dress like that before.

  43. Lust nearly burst out laughing, but held her composure. "Good, you look sensible. Right, we head to the City. The other Sins will be drawn to us, so they might be there. We'll keep a sharp lookout, 'kay?" She swiped another layer of gloss on her lips, and turned to head out.

  44. Wrath nodded shortly. Pride just followed Lust, not bothering to show any sign of listening to her. He turned to Envy. "Let's go!"

  45. Envy brought up the rear and closed the latch behind him after he climbed out of the entrance.
    "Hate the trash can," Lust complained, brushing off her hair and clothes.
    "You came up with the idea," Envy rolled his eyes.
    "It's not clean enough," she ignored him as she continued flicking off a piece of dust on her shoulder. "Let's get out of here. Don't look conspicuous," Lust reminded the Sins, hypocritically, as she flung open the door and walked out dramatically.

  46. Pride sighed. "We can't be conspicuous with that around, he said, jabbing a finger at Wrath.
    Wrath hissed. "What did you say?" she demanded.

  47. (Guesso)

    Pride sighed. "Don't get women," he muttered, turning to Envy. "OK, so, wanna get going?"

  48. Envy nodded. "Yeah, before the two kill us." Lust pushed Pride forward again. "Come on, get on with it! The reservation's at eight, you know!"

  49. Pride looked over at Envy. "Jesus," his eyes seemed to say. "OK, let's get going."

  50. Envy walked next to Pride as they made their way out of the mall, Lust pushing Wrath with them.

    (comment city next?)

  51. Wrath and Lust were already in the lair by the time the males got back. Pride took of his tie in one swift movement. "We move out first thing tomorrow morning." Gluttony was drooling in a corner. (XD)

  52. Lust had changed into a black tank top and sweatpants, her makeup gone and her hair back to normal. Wrath had done the same. Envy nodded in agreement, taking off his blazer. "So I say we all take a shower and get washed up, and meet back here for a Sin meeting so we know immediately what to do tomorrow. What do you think?"
    Greed smiled his agreement, and Lust called out, "I've already showered, so I'll just chill here until you're done."

  53. Gluttony had changed as well, wearing a tank top that oozed fat, prominently showing his moobs. Pride sighed and quickly walked out, changing into his standard white dress shirt and loose black jeans. He walked back out and took a seat on a chair in the room.

  54. Greed showered and changed into a black polo shirt and blue jeans, and Envy went to change into a bloodred dress shirt and straight black jeans. Lust was sketching a design on her notepad next to a bored Wrath.

  55. ~-~-~-~-They briefed, and the day ended-~-~-~-~-~

  56. The entrance opened, and all of the sins stumbled in, covered in blood, but obviously not injured, since their philosopher's stones would have healed them by now. Pride sat down on a chair, Wrath stood in a corner and Gluttony looked around for food.

  57. Lust was looking angry next to Wrath and Envy paced around, thinking and muttering to himself. Greed got up to take care of food, making soup and sandwiches and salad.

  58. Pride stood up. "We need to make a memorial for Sloth," he said suddenly. "We've never done it before, but we should start doing this now."

  59. Lust scoffed. "That Sin couldn't protect herself against the girl. Weak. She doesn't deserve a memorial." She was still bitter from their loss and failure to take over Mustang Academy. She was angry at herself for not killing Mustang and instead torturing him. Envy nodded in agreement with Pride. "Pride's right."

  60. Pride smiled at Envy for a moment, then turned to the other sins. "We'll start working tomorrow. We should rest for the rest of the night." Wrath snorted, wandering deeper into her turf of the Lair. Gluttony looked around. "I didn't get to eat anyone...."

  61. Lust glared angrily at Gluttony. "Shut up. You ate enough food there." Envy rested a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, but she shrugged him off. "Don't touch me." She got up and walked away. Greed came back in, looking confused with his tray full of food. "What's up with her?"

  62. Pride shrugged. "She's always like that," he reasoned. "Probably just a little disappointed that the fight didn't last longer."

  63. Greed shrugged, then placed the food on the table. "Eat." Envy exchanged a glance with Pride, then took a sandwich to begin eating.

  64. Gluttony grabbed a sandwich quickly and shoved it down his mouth. Pride gently took one. "You'll find that you'll benefit more from food if you eat slowly," he told the sin.

  65. Greed laughed. "That's not happening any time soon," he grinned. "Gluttony always eats it fast." Envy snorted.

  66. Pride sighed. "No point in trying," he muttered, and took a bite of his sandwich.

  67. Envy laughed, and snarfed down his sandwich. Lust darted in, grabbed a sandwich, and disappeared again.

  68. Wrath didn't appear again, which Pride thought was weird, but he ignored her.

  69. (haha)

    Envy took a bowl of soup and began to sip at it.

  70. Gluttony sighed and waddled away, presumably to go look for more to eat. Pride sighed. "He sure lives out to his name..."

  71. "Yup," Envy smiled, sipping at his soup still. Greed just grunted as he stuffed down salad down his mouth.

  72. Pride looked around as they both ate. "So," he started. "Any ideas for the memorial?"

  73. "I was thinking for it to be near water," Envy said. "Since, you know, it's her element." Greed nodded his agreement. "Yeah. There should be white and blue flowers around the memorial, with white marble for the stone. What should be carved in it?"

  74. Pride thought for a moment. "Probably the normal things," he said. "Name, date of death, and then a quote or something. But of course we'll have to use a fake name. I'll start working on the stone later."

  75. "Yeah. I was thinking something like Brook Elizabeth Kriss or something." Envy suggested. Greed shrugged. "Or Abigail Maya... Bulgen." Greed snorted at the last name he came up with. Envy rolled his eyes. "Something like a quote from her creator or one of us or some awesome homunculus." He laughed.

  76. Pride nodded slowly. "I'll go get started," he said, standing up. "You two can think of a quote." As soon as the sin left, Wrath appeared. "How about 'We challenge the culture of violence when we ourselves act in the certainty that violence is no longer acceptable, that it's tired and outdated no matter how many cling to it in the stubborn belief that it still works and that it's still valid'?"

  77. Envy raised his eyebrows. "Where'd you hear that? Or get that from?" He wrote it down anyway on the notepad with the pencil, both of which had suddenly appeared.

  78. "Gerard Vanderhaar," the sin replied, then turned away and disappeared again.

  79. Envy shrugged. "Okay. Never heard of him, but that works. I wonder if Sloth knew him." He murmured to himself. Greed suddenly spoke:
    "What about 'One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation'? That's from Oscar Wilde. I used to read his books," the Sin said, a bit embarrassed. Envy nodded and wrote it down, ignoring the last part. "Okay, that might work too."

  80. Pride walked into a far corner of the lair, where he kept samples of different types of stone. He picked up a marble block and began to work on it, thinking of what shape would be the best.

  81. Envy wrote two more quotes down and got up. "Hey, Greed, do you want to go look for a place to put it? I'll go help Pride with the stone." The large, muscular Sin stood up and nodded, then marched out the door. Envy walked silently over to Pride. "I think perhaps it should be about 2.5 meters tall and another meter wide, with large, capital lettering and roman numerals. That would be pretty fancy. I think she deserves it." He paused, then handed Pride the notebook. "I got some quotes from Wrath, Greed, and the Internet. There are four, so maybe we'll all decide on them later. For the flowers, I was thinking white roses or lilies with blue carnations and a bit of lavender, curved and bordering the memorial stone." Envy was drawing things out on the notebook.

  82. Pride nodded. "The size isn't a problem," he said. "It's just that however I transmutate this damn marble, it doesn't stand straight. But I like your ideas. We should finish doing the stone first before we go get flowers. Erm....well, yeah."

  83. "Duh," Envy rolled his eyes. "The flowers would rot anyway at the rate you're going." He made some huge tools appear out of thin air and used them to cut the stone. "You need to think about physics first," he told his fellow Sin as he sawed away.

  84. Pride watched as Envy worked away, then took a look at the quotes. "Which quotes are you considering?" he asked. "I mean, which quotes do you think would work the best?"

  85. "I think either Wrath's or Greed's," he said as he cut the stone.

  86. Pride nodded. "I'll read over them again," he said.

  87. "Right. Let's hear them," Envy said, handing over the notebook.

  88. Pride glanced at the notebook for a moment. "Erm... There's 'We challenge the culture of violence when we ourselves act in the certainty that violence is no longer acceptable, that it's tired and outdated no matter how many cling to it in the stubborn belief that it still works and that it's still valid' and..." he paused to take a breath.


  89. (in the comment right after wrath said gerard vanderhaar)

    Envy raised an eyebrow. "Uh, did you not see it? It's right below it. Sorry if you can't read the green ink."

    (it's his favorite color... green with envy? XD)


    Pride nodded. "-and 'One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation'. I think they're both quite good. Why don't we add both?"

  91. "Yeah, okay," Envy nodded, and ripped out the page, crossing out the other two. He placed the sheet on the table beside him and continued sawing.

  92. Pride thought for a moment. "Would cursive do?" he asked. "It would be harder, but with alchemy, it should be ok."

  93. "I guess, but I kind of liked the traditional roman better. Maybe we'll do roman for the numbers and cursive for the words?" He suggested.

  94. Pride nodded. "That'll work," he said. "I'll start working when you finish." he took another page and started to draw a diagram of the grave.

  95. Envy nodded and continued to saw at it. He made the bottom a flat, two-layered rectangular slab and from it he carved flowing designs of water to the very top which was smooth and had pretty little patterns as the border.

  96. Pride was drawing with quick, light strokes. "How's this?" he asked, turning the paper to Envy.

  97. "Good. It looks fine," Envy nodded, finishing the last touches. "You wanna carve it with alchemy after dinner? It's already 7pm."

  98. Pride nodded. "Let's get back to the others," he said, and the two headed off. Wrath was sitting in a corner, sharpening a knife that was actually her hand. Gluttony drooled off to the side.

  99. Lust was nowhere to be seen, and Greed had just returned with three addresses written on his palm. Envy looked at them. "Who wants dinner?"

  100. Gluttony jumped, which made the ground shake. "ME!" he yelped happily. Pride sighed as the fat sin ambled forward.

  101. Envy rolled his eyes. "We have pizza and salad in the kitchen!" He called after Gluttony.

  102. Gluttony was already eating by the time Pride arrived to where the other sins were. Wrath was sitting quietly in a corner, chewing lettuce.

  103. Envy took a slice of pizza and a bowl of salad then began eating in the chair in the other corner. Greed took three slices and two bowls of salad and began to eat as well. Suddenly Lust appeared out of nowhere and snatched up a bowl of salad and disappeared again.

  104. Gluttony munched greedily. Pride took some food and then sat on a crate, eating slowly. He looked around. It seemed so...quiet.
