The City of Ror

Ror City is a large, bustling town filled with people, and it is the largest city in Moream, a powerful country, though its capital is Lariem. The lair of the Sins is underground of one of the huge malls in Ror. Many people from all over the world come to Ror because of the numerous job opportunities. The city is located in northeast Moream and it is named after the famous King Ror that defeated the Normeans (from an enemy border country, Normen)


  1. "Well," Pride said as he and Envy walked down the street. "Do you see the restaurant?"

  2. "No, this is Prince Street, it's on Mahogany Road," Lust told them. "Make a turn left there, then turn right on the second intersection."

  3. Pride nodded slightly, not really getting it, but quickly turning left when the other homunculus directed him. He looked around, wondering what an intersection was. (XD)

  4. (seriously? LOL)

    Lust sighed. "You really don't know?" She asked, reading his thoughts. "Whatever. Follow me, and don't bother Wrath." She lead the way now, and soon they turned from Iris Avenue into Mahogany Road.

  5. Pride walked on, trying to keep his calm composure. Wrath started to wander off....

  6. Lust grabbed Wrath with her mind, pulling her back to them. "Hey, no straying away," she warned the other Sin as they approached the restaurant.

  7. Wrath narrowed her eyes but willingly obeyed. Pride looked at the restaurant. It didn't look like much, but he decided not to say anything.

  8. They entered the restaurant. The inside was pretty much the opposite of the outside- it was huge, with chandeliers, fancy table napkins, cute waiters (lol), and full of people wearing formal clothing. Lust narrowed her eyes as she spotted the hostess. "Reservation under Sin at eight-o-clock."
    The lady lead them to their table.

  9. Wrath immediately sat down in a window seat, and looked out the window. Pride sighed. "Is there a seating arrangement for us?"

  10. Lust rolled her eyes. "This is a restaurant, not primary school," she said cuttingly. "Just sit."

  11. Pride sat down, then looked around. No one there looked like a sin...

  12. Lust tapped her fingers impatiently on the table.

  13. Just then, a dark haired and fat man waddled up to the table. "Glutt. O. Ne," he said, bowing low.


  14. Lust's nose wrinkled. "Eeew..." Envy's mouth fell open. "Gluttony? Is that you?"


  15. (till the very next day.)

    The man grinned, a sickening sight. "The one and only."

  16. (bam bam bam bam bam ba ba bam)

    Lust nearly covered her eyes but kept her posture. Envy sat back, and made a chair appear. "Sit, Gluttony. So, how did you find us?"

  17. (LOL in fma lust & gluttony were biffles)

    The fat sin sat down and looked at everyone. "My nose," he said. "What else?"

  18. (I know, but that was like after they knew each other, which is like later. anyway, it's a parody, isn't it?)

    Envy shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I'm not you." He glared at Lust and the others. "Say hello."
    "Hey," Lust said tiredly.

  19. (I noe :P)

    Wrath ignored everything, while Pride nodded in salutations.

  20. (LOL Pride)

    Lust nudged Wrath with her mind, and she said a sleepy hello. Lust nodded in satisfaction and gave Gluttony an innocent smile.

  21. Gluttony looked around. "Wh-where's Greed?"

  22. "You mean me?" A voice came out of seemingly nowhere. A figure materialized in front of them. "Surely you know I can be invisible, Gluttony." Envy's mouth fell open... again. "Both of you are here?"
    "Of course. Are you blind?" Greed gave him a look.

  23. Pride smirked. "Great," he said, with NO sarcasm at all. "You ready for an attack?"

  24. (waiit... where's the seventh one?)

    Lust grinned evilly. "Of course. Finally," she hissed dangerously. Envy nodded curtly, and Greed gave a wide smile, revealing pearly white teeth.

  25. (DONT NEED SEVEN xD but just in case the seventh sin is sloth)

    Wrath was trying to hide her maniac grin, but she was failing. "Finally," she thought.

  26. (hm.. he can come along later i guess)

    Lust grinned at Wrath. "My thoughts exactly." She glanced at the others, smiling. "Well, shall we have a nice feast? Celebrate our... ah... pre-triumph. We'll head out tomorrow morning, I think. But we'll worry about that later. Let us enjoy ourselves!" She spread her arms wide. "We eat!"
    For once, Envy agreed with Lust. He conjured up a chair for Greed, who gave him his signature smile and sat.

  27. (OK :D)

    Pride waved down a waiter. "We need menus," he said. Wrath, not wanting to join in on the conversation, turned away to look out the window again.

  28. Greed nudged Wrath a little. "Come on, join in on the fun!" Lust was grinning at something Gluttony had done, and Envy was smiling slightly as he chatted with Pride.

  29. Wrath looked away from her fellow sin, her eyes back to their bored appearance. The waiter arrived back with menus and passed them around. Gluttony looked greedily at all of the selections.

  30. Lust swiftly told the waiter what everyone wanted, and the man couldn't hide his surprise about the amount of food Gluttony wanted.

  31. Gluttony smiled his hungry smiled as the sins waited for their food. Pride took out a piece of paper. "OK," he said, drawing a quick sketch of MAA on it. "This is a map of the Mustang Academy. Who wants to attack which areas?"

  32. Lust raised a hand. "I call the Girl's Dorms! Oh, and the roof."
    Envy gave her a weird look. "The roof?"
    "Oh, you don't know what goes on up there," Lust smirked, and Envy pretended to puke.
    "I'll do the field and the Courtyard," Greed offered, changing part of his hand into a pencil and writing it down on the edge of the map.
    "I'll take Chemical and Basic Alchemy classes," Envy said.

    (so can envy kill kana?)

  33. (KNEW IT!!!! LOL)

    "And if we finish early we can always get the others as well," Lust suggested, watching Greed write everything down.

  34. (He.)

    Pride smiled. "OK, that's our plan. Let's just relax tonight. We leave tomorrow at dawn."

    Wrath felt like her insides were exploding with adrenaline. "Hmph."

    Gluttony watched hungrily as the waiter came back with the food, staggering under the weight of it. "Y-you're food," he stammered, placing the high-class meals onto the mahogany table.

  35. "Awesome," Lust grinned, nudging Wrath in excitement. "We're gonna mutilate those alchemists!"
    Greed smirked at the waiter. "Eat up, Tony," he grinned at Gluttony. "Tomorrow's a big day, and you'll have to help us find it."

  36. Gluttony smiled as he tore into the food. Pride delicately picked at his, while Wrath chewed on a lettuce leaf, feeling like a hamster.

  37. Lust sipped at her French onion soup while Greed chewed on a duck leg. Envy bit into a plate of noodles and smiled.

  38. Wrath's bowl was quickly emptied and she proceeded to look out the window once more. Pride had to remind Gluttony to 'please refrain from eating the plate as well'. He sighed as he finished his meal.

  39. Lust shoved Wrath another plate and started on a roasted seafood platter. Envy watched Wrath glare at Lust and smiled slightly, then began on his soup. Greed greedily (lol) gobbled down his duck and took a salad.

    (lol there should be Envy/Wrath XD)

  40. (:D)

    Gluttony ate plate after plate after plate of food, then sighed. "I want a human...." he said sadly. Pride snorted, Wrath still ignoring everyone.

  41. Lust gave Gluttony a look. "Well, there are humans surrounding us, but I'm afraid you can't eat any of them. Sorry." Envy snorted with Pride and began to chat with his friend again. Greed laughed. "Gluttony, if you keep saying that in public people will think something's wrong with you."

  42. Gluttony sighed. "And they look so good...." Pride patted his fellow sin on the shoulder. "Don't worry; you'll be able to eat those Mustang bastards in no time."

  43. Lust nodded in agreement. "Yup!"


  44. Pride looked over at the other sins. "Well, I guess we're just about done, so how 'bout we head back to the lair?"


  45. (lol)

    Lust jumped up immediately. "Yes. Yes, okay," she said, excited. "Okay, guys! We'll head back now. We put our stuff down, Greed, Gluttony, you'll find your rooms with your names on them, and we meet in the main room 5 minutes after arrival, okay?" She picked up her bag. "Let's go!"

  46. Wrath was out of her seat in a minute and quickly left, taking her own route back to the lair. Pride sighed, and looked down at Envy. "Shall we go?" Gluttony got up and raced out of the restaurant, fat jiggling all the way.


  47. (lol)

    Lust was out after Wrath in a second as well, leaving Greed, Envy, and Pride standing there. Envy sighed, and made a Maserati appear out of thin air in front of the restaurant. "Get in, guys," Envy told the others, and Greed jumped in greedily.

  48. Pride calmly stepped into the car.


    (LOL GREED :D)

  49. (yup XD)

    Envy revved the engine and drove off to the lair.

    (comment next there?)
